The story of WOWW begins in 2005, when the then 17-year-old Kristian Kuutok, together with two friends, founded a student company in the small Northern European country of Estonia (1.2 million inhabitants) as part of the Junior Achievement program. The student company takes first place among over 100 companies and is recognized as the best in its country.
Kristian has chosen his profession - it is to be active in the service business, where financial savings are offered to thousands of end users (at all very rarely B2B) using innovative technologies and with an extreme customer-centric focus.
Kristian founds several companies and at the age of 22 he already offers employment to more than 50 young people, including himself, and he begins to feel that entrepreneurship is child's play! But fate has other plans, and in a startup based on new camera technology, difficulties arise when the company cannot find the right product-market fit.
Since then, Kristian has become very timid in raising money from investors if there is no certainty that the promised goals will be met.
Over the next decade, Kristian would start several companies, two of which would achieve a net worth of more than $10 million. The home market of the companies is mainly Estonia and the neighboring country Finland. In August 2013, Kristian decides to focus exclusively on the field of Financial Technology and, more specifically, personal wealth issues.
Kristian follows his passion and publishes the book "Never Grow Up / How to be happy and fulfill your dreams?". In 2015, the book became the best-selling psychology book in its home country of Estonia.
In connection with the expansion of business outside of Estonia, a new, international name WOWW is found for the company. Since autumn 2019, the main company of the group has been named WOWW. Together, all the companies founded by Kristian have already served more than 100,000 customers, if you count all the customer relationships in the companies of the entire group.
At the end of 2021, a new chapter in WOWW's business has begun - US. The northern European part of the business was left in the care of trusted people, and Kristian moved to the west coast of the US with his children and wife Jenni at the end of 2021 to expand the company's activities in a large market. The first two and a half years have been spent mainly adapting, learning the culture, putting together a team, etc. In 2024, financial services will be successfully launched on the US market.
In the field of personal wealth, fintech operations are planned to grow to a higher level than before and to help even more people than before with its relentless, obsessive attitude towards customer service. We continue the tradition of challenging the status quo and write a new chapter in the WOWW story. It's going to be an exciting new chapter in the WOWW adventure. This time, it's all about unlocking the true potential of AI for us.
WOWW, Inc., Seattle, WA in 2024