Kristian: Life changing AI text messages

August 30, 2024

Kristian Kuutok

Photo from a financial podcast, source: YouTube.

I'm Kristian, I'm the founder of WOWW. I am only a small part of the whole team, but my task is to determine the direction where we are going with the company.

A marriage that started with SMS

Has a text message ever irreversibly changed your life, for the worse or for the better..? I personally remember a text message years ago that changed the trajectories of me and my future wife, resulting in a happy marriage and four wonderful children later on. So, based on my experience, anything can happen with just a simple message, if the wording is impactful!

If one text message can lead to marriage and children, can it change someone's financial destiny?

I personally believe that yes, why not! From this simple idea, the WOWW enterprise is born, which develops its own services that change people's financial future. Now both humans and AI send messages. As time goes on, the proportion of AI increases.

All you have to lose is exchanging a few text messages and taking a few minutes out of your day. However, the win is not limited. Text us and see where it leads.

I hate spam

P.S. WOWW, Inc. absolutely abhors the practice of selling a company's potential customer's phone number to another company. We never do that, at least as long as I'm CEO! So you can safely communicate with us - You don't have to be afraid that someone will approach you later.

World of Wholesome Wealth